A selection of mini experiments in creative coding, type, and lettering.

This generative interpretation, inspired by André Burnier, attempts to mirror and enhance the irony of the poem. As the user destroys the poem line by line with bouncy balls, it becomes progressively tattered. At the end, the only lines that remain are the unaffected voice of the earth saying, "It is done." and the sagging tired line, "People did not like it here."

Cincinnati Anime Film Fest
Using outlined shifting boxes and a black and white color palette, the logo reflects the graphic language of manga. Linework explodes from the center, both a reference to light emitting from the movie theater screen, and to expression lines — a graphic device used to illustrate emotion in manga.

Multi-Script Personal Logomark
Type Directors Club Short List 2023

Interactive Nikon Aperture

Eternal Spring Studio

Chinese Personal Logomark
Type Directors Club Short List 2023
As an ex-professional ballet dancer, I was inspired to bring a dancing quality to the characters while referencing calligraphy. Using highly rounded heavy strokes that transition into fine delicate strokes gave the wordmark an elegant but playful quality, and the circular forms reference pearls.

Type Scrambler